If you’ve never experienced what a Thursday is like in 10KTF’s Discord server, you’re in for a treat. Typically, Thursdays are a day where Shopkeeper Midori jumps on the decks and DJs a custom set for the community, resulting in GIFs and copy pasta that will cause your screen to scroll at record-breaking speeds. All jokes aside, Thursdays are an important day not only because it’s one day closer to the weekend but also because it’s a day for alpha and progression of the narrative. While the Shopkeepers can be suggestive with their use of emojis, the listen-only voice channel in the server is a place where music becomes the project’s place of subliminal communication. For example, when the shop was burnt down back in April of this year – an experience we will be sure to cover in further detail – “Firestarter” by Prodigy was played, and the community used water drop emojis and firehose GIFs in attempt to put out this fire. Flash forward to more recent times when Jason Derulo’s song “The Other Side” was played just before Otherside’s “First Trip” experience, but some might say that is mere coincidence. Right? Right…
With the closing of Mission 12 today where Battle Town participants were faced with a tough choice in choosing one of the three DAM Show hosts as their team captains, today brings the first ever Midoriland where the community will rendez vous in the Discord to celebrate with an extra special dance party. To kick things off right, The DAM Show will be giving away a Combat Crate (valued at .77 ETH / ~$1,182 USD at time of writing) today during its live stream starting at 4PM EST / 1 PM PST. Link to the stream can be found here. Big shout out to BobMajon and AlfAlpha for putting together the epic flyer below. Hope to see you all on the dance floor!