Do you hear those violins? It sounds like the beginning of The Verve’s “Bitter Sweet Symphony” playing. Can this really be happening? Wagmi-san spent so much time building the Mech only for it to get destroyed within seconds of the first round of the battle. Surely, this cannot be the end of New Tokyo as we all know it, or is it…?
Following the tragic event on the one year anniversary of 10KTF, Wen Moon left us with the following message with an image attached:
“Happy Birthday, Wagmi-san. Sorry New Tokyo is doomed. Let’s get back to our frens. Our final days next week will be together, at least.”
As with everything 10KTF releases to the community, the interpretation is always two-fold: one you take at face value and one that draws you in to look a little closer at what might be hiding in plain sight. After all, this was supposed to be the biggest celebration in New Tokyo history with the hopeful defeat of the treacherous Kaiju, but such good fortune did not land on Wagmi and Wen’s side. That birthday cake sure looked incredible, but the way it was left, smashed, has many wondering if Wagmi-san is trying to tell us something. Does the candle’s flame suggest we might be seeing a burn event soon? Are the letters on the cake strategically illuminated to tell us something? Is that a seven and a ten on the Kaiju’s eyes?
Without any way of knowing, we’re presented with a new mission: “The End” as it is titled. This mission brings the community back to something more familiar, and possibly more comfortable, with a single-objective at hand. Our objective in this mission is to “stay together until the end” with a snapshot reward tier of 2.5 million points to hit the gold level, a goal the community has yet to reach. In fact, data shows that the most the community has ever achieved is 2.07 million points, leaving the top reward tier 430k points shy. With the single-objective setup, this does give everyone a greater chance at hitting the gold tier since valuable items can stay together rather than separated, but based on detailed analysis conducted by our very own Editor in Chief, Saskatoonsquatch, we can see that both linear and logarithmic curves are not trending in our favor as of 10pm EST. See charts below for reference.

With approximately 20 hours of registration time remaining (as of time of writing) to submit your loadouts, Shopkeeper Hideaki has left us with a message in the “Old Walkie” channel in 10KTF’s Discord for a final farewell:
“Calling all true fighters and frens. The endtimes are nigh and the Kaiju approaches the last district standing in New Tokyo. It has been an honor and a privilege. Registration for The End is now live at https://battle.town/, where we shall die as we lived — together.”
Shopkeeper Hideaki doesn’t seem to be the only one in reflection, though. It seems that BOSS_TOADZ himself might even be second-guessing his summoning of the Kaiju. In 10KTF’s latest tweet, we see BOSS_TOADZ hat hanging on a piece of broken wood as he says, “But if there ain’t a city left… who’s going to pay me protection money?” It’s hard to ignore the potential resemblance of the broken wood with in this scene to the broken wood from the scene after the shop burnt town (see here), but with BOSS_TOADZ submitting a surprise loadout on the last mission, it’s very possible we just might see some more help from the Toadz if they want to maintain that stream of income.
While we are all hoping for a miracle, all of us at New Tokyo Rumors want to thank you for supporting us on this short run of existence. We will miss you dearly, and all we ask is that you give this one last mission everything you got with last-minute crafting and optimizing your loadouts in order to go out with bang. See you all on the other side. ✊