With the unfortunate summoning of a Kaiju over a month ago, New Tokyo has become a hotbed for chaos and tragedy. Already a home to many crime bosses, residents are noticing the Kaiju has opened the door for increased mayhem and malfeasance.
“I just remember thinking this sucks but I’m sure the big dude will get bored and leave.”
Lenny, New Tokyo Resident
Except the “Big Dude” has not left. Instead, many neighborhoods have been demolished and residents everywhere are fearing the Kaiju is here to stay.

“I just don’t see how we stop him.”
Chill Chad, Incense Maker
The Incense Maker is not the only one appearing defeated by the daily destruction; many business owners in New Tokyo are sharing similar concerns of doom and gloom. The damage has been costly and residents have noted the difficulty of maintaining some semblance of a normal life. Even gangs that usually benefit from chaos are having a tough time keeping it together.
“New Tokyo has always been a bit dangerous, but this is [redacted]. I think the boss might of snapped this time.”
- Anonymous Gang member of the Toadz

The fate of the city seems to rest on the Grailed, a dedicated community that is bonded by their love of bespoke goods. But, not everyone believes they can do it.
“The high tops are fire, but…I mean…what’s shoes and a daypack gonna do against a [redacted] kaiju?”
-Chill Chad
Only time will tell.