In its latest cinematic production, 10KTF teases its upcoming Level 2 items, while also revealing its unprecedented partnership with ApeCoin.
Minting for the Level 2 items has been seen at a mint price of 130 $APE and have been split between two 24-hour periods with three different types of access. The first minting is slated for Badge Holders who have participated in at least one of the missions and begins on August 6, 2022 at 3:00PM PST. To be considered a Badge Holder, 10KTF holders must have at least one “Storypoint Badge” for participating in one of the missions on Battle Town’s website. The second minting will be shared between ApeCoin Holders and “Enlistees” and will begin on August 9, 2022 at 3:00PM PST. To qualify as an ApeCoin Holder, the connected wallet must have at least 130 $APE, and to qualify as an Enlistee, Badge Holders must enlist a wallet address to the Combat Sale by August 9th, 2022 at 12PM PST. From the teasers in the video, it’s looking like the new items will include:
- Sock Full of Doorknobs
- Combat Helmet
- Pilot Helmet
- Kevlar Vest
- Foam-o Sword
- Flamethrower

Holders who have been participating in the missions at Battle Town and staking tools from the stockroom have been given information on converting their allocated NTD (New Tokyo Dollar) into $APE via 10KTF’s website. According to their FAQ, information on the allocation is as follows:
A total of 714,405 $APE will be available to claim from Any accrued NTD from the OG Snapshot or Tool staking, will be converted to $APE at a rate of 85 NTD per $APE. Additionally, you may claim $APE based on your participation in Mission snapshots. This amount is variable, depending on your total loadout score for each snapshot Mission.

In addition, the project has revealed a new organization, 10K Frens Foundation, where holders will be able to claim their $APE on its website. While the community awaits further information about this organization, the site details that “10K Frens foundation is dedicated to supporting projects in the NFT ecosystem and promoting interoperability in the space.”
Check out the video below produced by 10KTF / Wenew Labs and let us know what you think in the comments below!